Still from Digital Cyborg Dance
Digital Cyborg Dance
Digital Cyborg Dance
Single channel projection installation
6 minutes 03 seconds
“Digital Cyborg Dance” is an experimental video work that was made with the support of Burrinja, as part of their Holding Pattern program under the theme of ‘Between Here And Tomorrow’.
A work in progress version of the video was exhibited by Burrinja and delivered directly to the audience’s personal mobile phones for viewing in April of 2022.
The final version of the work was installed at the Heide Museum of Modern Art as a projection installation on an exterior wall of the gallery. This was supported by the Centre for Projection Art as part of the ‘a-field’ exhibition.
The work was made by capturing over 300 photographs of myself nude, wearing only an orange wig, and twisting, bending, and stretching my body as far as I could, testing the limits of my physical body.
I then trained an AI program to create images based on these photographs, with the idea being that I am extending my physical limitations through the use of the AI.
With these AI generated images I was then able to create the video, and composed a score to accompany it.
Photograph of projection installation at the Heide Museum of Modern Art